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PaperCLIP by Samir Dubey.

As a artist I believe in the freedom of expressing my thoughts via Art.
I am 23 year old artist from Indore and works in the Custom arts, assemblage Art, Murals & Paintings segment. As a self taught artist, My specialty is in Leather, Metal & Wood. I worked for 48 Indian and 13 foreign projects and counting..

– Achievements –
● World Record Holder, (making a horse mural with 2069 paperclips)
● Youngest Exhibitor in global art fair, Spain.
● Artist of the month (Sept. 2014). The art bar, Spain.
● First Indian in the history. In the Viewpoints art fest, New Jersey.
● Founder of .paperclip & .PaperCLIP Foundation.
● Youngest Indian member in ‘American art association’

This is what I earned in past 3 years. I believe, the best is yet to come.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” oblique_section=”no” text_align=”left” Overflow=”” triangle_shape=”no” css_animation=”” overflow=””][vc_column][vc_separator type=”normal” color=”#b7b7b7″ border_style=”dashed” thickness=”2″ up=”40″ up_style=”px” down=”40″ down_style=”px”][cq_vc_dagallery images=”8094,8095,8096,8097,8098″ gallerywidth=”100%” width=”300″ thumbtitle=”” thumbdesc=”” color=”#ffffff” background=”#faac75″ padding=”10px”][vc_separator type=”normal” color=”#b7b7b7″ border_style=”dashed” thickness=”2″ up=”40″ up_style=”px” down=”40″ down_style=”px”][/vc_column][/vc_row]